Myanmar Consumers Union participated in Stakeholder Consultation Meeting: “Consumer Awareness on Food Standards in Myanmar” at Yangon Regional Office, Ministry of Commerce on June 18th, 2019. The meeting is co-hosted by Department of Consumer Affairs the Ministry of Commerce (MoC) of Myanmar and Myanmar Consumers Union (MCU), with organizational support by German Development Cooperation (GIZ).
Ms Alice Pham, GIZ Consultant, presented the scope and major findings of Snapshots from the MCU/Consumers International Survey, carried out in the Phnom Penh areas, with support of GIZ. Her Presentation covers general background, methodological approach, and major insights from the survey, and suggestions for the follow-up.
President of MCU, Prof. Dr. Mar Mar Kyi, Joint Secretary-1 Dr. Mo Mo Tin and one of the EC members U Aung Naing Min attended this meeting and discussed about consumer awareness on food safety and food standards in Myanmar and future activities of promoting consumer protection.